VP of Sales and Marketing John Haake and Quintype’s CEO Chirdeep Chetty discuss playbook actions to take in future-proofing your newsrooms. To understand this playbook, John and Chirdeep cover a wide range of important topics like what CDPs are and how they differ from DMPs; strategies to take as newsrooms become more digitized; CDP integration within the grand scheme of things when it comes to media publishing organization with multiple touchpoints to the user; and understand audiences through the use of CDPs and first-party data. These topics are just the tip of the iceberg among others.

Newsrooms continue to benefit like many companies under Leverage Lab’s clientele umbrella. In turn, companies can reduce ad spends while maximizing their volume of impressions.

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The Growth Lab Webinar Series

C-Suite Webinar Series

How Media Companies Can Transform Data into Profit

Join us in this webinar series as we dive deep into the strategies, insights, and innovations that drive revenue and audience growth in the ever-evolving media landscape.