First Party Data Growth Strategy


A B2C online education company is seeking to create X factor growth in conference and event attendees.


Leverage Lab developed a first party data strategy to create a robust mailing list of interested parties.  Working with the education company, we helped guide the creation of numerous free resources across the many different persona groups to which they cater.  These target groups were presented with highly personalized messaging and specific free offers to opt in. After only a few months their email list grew from a few thousand to 100K and growing.


Currently more than 50% of all paid event conversions come from the mailing list.  While the paid events are still marketed via paid channels, the value of the emailing program has become a critical component of their strategy.   Significant effort and time is paid to the care and feeding of this great first party data resource, which provides consistent low cost conversions to paid programs.  Creating first party data, delivering personalized offers to decrease cost of conversion and increase paid attendees.
The Growth Lab Webinar Series

C-Suite Webinar Series

How Media Companies Can Transform Data into Profit

Join us in this webinar series as we dive deep into the strategies, insights, and innovations that drive revenue and audience growth in the ever-evolving media landscape.